22. juin 2021
Oppenweiler / Berlin, 06/22/2021 – Murrelektronik, a specialist in decentralized automation technology, has joined the Maschinenraum (proper name, German for “engine room”). The Maschinenraum is a shared innovation ecosystem for SMEs by SMEs. Over 20 German medium-sized and family-owned companies have formed an "alliance of the willing" with the Maschinenraum to work together on the digital transformation of business models including the world of work. Murrelektronik will use its membership to share ideas on how to deal with challenges resulting from change, talent management and system/solution design.
Nous avons été ravis de pouvoir vous présenter les derniers produits et tendances de Murrelektronik. Grâce à votre visite, nous pouvons jeter un regard rétrospectif sur un Solution…
Leading SMEs in their sectors, such as the automation specialist Murrelektronik, form the backbone of the German economy. During a visit to the company, Baden-Württemberg's…
Vous avez manqué notre Solution Van en 2023? Ne vous inquiétez pas, car nous sommes de retour et nous vous apporterons nos derniers produits et solutions directement sur place à…